Monday, November 25, 2013

JFK's Death - Why it matters

A celebrated  academic in the USA, Noam Chomsky, author of many political works and well respected in establishment circles, has commented derisively  "Why does the death of President Kennedy matter - who  cares ?"
In an effort to answer that question, all the efforts that I have read concerning the importance of John F. Kennedy center on his efforts for peace and the courage he displayed in pursuing it. That is what he did during his life.  But the question before us is -- Why is it important for the world to know the who, what and why concerning his death. Do those facts impact what we think and do today?

Before you answer the question or consider my suggestions, two writings on the subject are well worth the time - one easy read by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. , and one by James W. Douglass.  Douglass has written a definitive, well documented work entitled "JFK and the Unspeakable ". From what we  have experienced domestically since  9/11 in the so-called"War on Terror", you may even for the first time, recognize similarities in officialdom's response to national tragedy. On November 22, 1963,  the perpetrators sought to carry out a televised assassination event and then successfully deflect the blame in the minds of the American people by offering a convincing interpretation of what they had seen-- "the work of a lone gunman".

Some background :
Fresh from WWII, the military leaders of the western world apparently could not conceive, that they could ever lose a war. WWII had also necessitated building a huge arms infrastructure in factories and research establishments, and if the business was to continue to be profitable, it would demand a constant flow of tax money to pay for weapons research and production. The prospect of imminent war was therefore a requirement for the weapons industry. President Eisenhower, the commanding  general of WWII, was elected president in 1952 with  industry support, and if no other critical comment sticks, he was guilty of complicity in failing to  successfully oppose arms industry jingoism.
However at the very end of his presidency, in his departure speech, with a correct premonition of the danger, he warned that America's greatest threat was not the Soviets, but the Military Industrial Complex. Without naming them, these were powerful agencies within the US government and military who JFK was to discover, believed that if they could persuade the President to convert the Cold War to Hot, they could defeat communism, and 30 million American dead on the first day would be an OK price to pay. 

As a teenager, I lived through the period, and as frightening as it was to hear almost daily that the Russian bombers would come over the north pole to incinerate us, it is even more sobering now to  learn, that  American Generals were bent on waging a nuclear war, solely because they perceived a temporary nuclear advantage.  It is no exaggeration then, that we owe much to President Kennedy and his equal on the other side of the world, Nikita  Kruschev -- for as  history now records, the weapons themselves did not deter war . -  Only the will power of these two lonely men.

Additionally, the threat of Communism was so "all consuming" to this era, that on the 18th of June 1948, National Security Directive 10/2 was issued by President Truman authorizing the CIA to carry out covert activities in the national interest including assassinations without receiving executive branch approval. The doctrine arguing for this departure from  moral law was called "Plausible Denial"*  and 15 years later, it would be employed against President Kennedy.
Summary:  "Why should the Death of JFK matter now--  to  all of us ?
Six  items:
1. The doctrine of "plausible  denial"* was indeed used against the American  people in the highly visible, heart-wrenching assassination of a beloved US president - John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
2. The same National Security Council Directive 10/2, 18 June 1948, is still in effect.
3. It has taken 50 years for a totally believable hypothesis on Kennedy's death to reach me - even though I was an eyewitness to that time.
4. An alert populace, with a current knowledge of the doctrine of "Plausible Denial"*  plus "alternate media" journalists, could conceivably deter or for-shorten** the time to expose international crimes and "false  flag" events.
5. Some of the persons responsible for the Oklahoma Bombing in 1995, 9/11 in 2001,  the Boston Marathon bombing  and others, may still be at large, and finally...
6. Successful international exposure, trial and conviction, is the best deterrent against future crimes of this nature or "false flag" events.

* Plausible Denial  - in my understanding, is justification to override or deny the Biblical 10 Commandments for reasons perceived to be in the national interest. 
** "Can for-Shorten" - Unsubstantiated trends indicate that agencies subscribing to plausible denial are becoming less confident of their ability to pull off a false  flag event, because the alternate media is not under their  control.

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