Saturday, October 10, 2015

Christian Doctrine : on Palestine ? (2)

Introduction :
 This paper is my summary challenge to Christians who argue that there is a supportable interpretation of the Bible regarding Israel’s activities in the land of Palestine. I contend there is No such support. Christians in our generation need to know that there is historical scholarship for a valid Biblical point of view which dissolves the arguments that support Christian Zionism. Christian Zionism is defined loosely as unreserved support for the actions of the present nation of Israel justified by a misguided belief that Jews must be re-gathered to their ancient lands prior to the Lord’s return.
Of itself, this paper does not claim to be a work of theological scholarship, but it does lean heavily on the work of three well qualified theologians for its Biblical accuracy and continuity. The study of theology depends on both the sincerity and the humility of a scholar in order to permit the Scriptures themselves to interpret Scripture. To this exercise we truly bring …….no new thing. Faithfully using this method avoids the human pitfalls of presuming the meaning with only partial information or bringing preconceived human notions to the Bible in order to justify them.
After some years of casual study, I conclude that the sources I have used are faithful to the whole counsel of God and that this paper is worthy of your consideration.. I contend that a great many Christians are supporting a Zionist regime because they assume that Dispensationalism, the popular eschatology of our time, is the only option.
If this is your position, you will for certain have come under pressure to support Zionism which lays aside all the Christian principles you have learned in the Sermon on the Mount for policies that are nothing short of “Apartheid” toward the Palestinians. I urge you therefore to carefully re-consider the matter so that your support is properly placed in the cause of justice and mercy.
Sincerely,     Philip Jarman    8 February 2014
2. The Momentous Event - W.J. Grier
 3. Sermons on Romans 11 – Martyn Lloyd Jones
Without  doubt,  the present nation of Israel, reconstituted in Palestine, by a unilateral United Nations decree dated at sundown 14 May 1948,  has been responsible for disturbing years of peaceful coexistence between Jew and Muslim in the land . Wherever there is controversy, books and articles follow passionately written from differing points of view each seeking to explain or justify one side or the other. This is doubly so in this case because the arbitrary decision to insert a nation called Israel into an already settled Palestine was pre-loaded with religious implications for three of the world’s major religions - Judaism, Islam and Christianity.
The purpose then of this paper is to republish the historical Biblical interpretation of God’s promises to Abraham, which if graciously received, will bring a correct perspective to Christians who want to do the right thing by the Jewish people and to also promote peace in a troubled area of the world.
Contrary to the world’s historical record, the Christian worldview itself is not antagonistic toward the Jews. However, confused persons through the centuries, who have claimed association with Christianity have been intensely anti-semitic to the extremes of tragic persecution and death.
 But Christian doctrine, rightly held, rejects the evil they have perpetrated on the Jewish people. Christianity recognizes that Abraham’s Natural Seed (the Jews ) were the family first, and then the nation that was chosen to bring the Lord Jesus Christ into the world. He arrived in time, to live perfectly under the Mosaic Law, and then to become the Acceptable Sacrifice for all who would believe that his death would pay for their sin. Ironically, the Jews were also the people that brought about his death on a Roman cross. But Christianity also believes that God the Father sovereignly planned that Sacrifice in eternity past, and that God the Son was obedient unto death in order to save Abraham’s Spiritual Seed. These are people, from all ages, both Jew and Gentile, who would believe experimentally that His death covers their sin and that they are delivered from the curse of the Law. *(…the soul that sinneth, it shall die. Ezekiiel 18:4 )
The Bible tells the story of Abraham and the promises made to the natural and the spiritual seed. If we understand and embrace this interpretation as the Divine plan, we will not become pawns in support of the present day Israel’s irrational drive for racial mastery in the land of Palestine.
To begin, if God in three persons, planned before the foundation of the world to rescue a people for His Name, (the Church), then that plan must emerge in Genesis and conclude in Revelation and the whole counsel of God on the matter be complete in Holy Writ.
God called Abraham from Ur of the Chaldees (1) to be the human instrument for this plan. But , Abraham and Sarah had problems conceiving, so Abraham fathered (1) Genesis 12:1-3
Ishmael by an Egyptian servant girl named Hagar. Ishmael under God’s promise of Abraham’s natural seed, became the father of 10 nations known as the Arabs. (2) But then God permitted Abraham through a deliberate preplanned miracle, to father Isaac when he and his wife Rachel were humanly speaking - too old to have children. Isaac, unlike Ishmael, was identified by God as Abraham’s Spiritual Seed. (3) Isaac in turn, married Rebekah and fathered twin sons Esau and Jacob. Again, it was God himself who chose Jacob as the spiritual seed and left Esau as he was - a natural seed.(4)
As difficult as it may seem to our sense of fairness, God chose some from Abraham’s family to be the Spiritual Seed who would believe the Gospel of a coming deliverance through a Messiah, and he left the rest in their unbelief.
So two peoples were at one and the same time--inside Abraham’s family – The Spiritual Seed, those who believed in the promise of the Messiah (5) and those who,
­­­­although natural sons of Abraham, did not believe. Further, Abraham , Isaac and Jacob were all in their turn, the spiritual Fathers of the Spiritual Seed for the Gentiles of all the ages. (6)
The Old Testament then, is the Jews earthly story and the beginnings of a heavenly story for all peoples. Through the Hebrews, and the nation of Israel, God produced a type or an illustration of the Church. The nation of Israel itself, was brought into existence from Jacob’s enslaved descendants in Egypt on the night the death angel passed over the Hebrew homes that had the blood of a lamb daubed on the lintel and door posts . In the Egyptian homes all the first born died. In the Hebrew homes marked by blood, everyone lived. (7)
This is a type of the Lord’s crucifixion. As the Hebrews were protected by the blood daubed about the door, all who are covered by Christ’s blood sacrifice will look to Him and be justified (made righteous) and live forever. (8) Those that do not, though they live for a time on earth, are under an eternal sentence of death.
The Exodus from Egypt is the saga of God’s patient work with an earthly people to whom he gave the Law and the Oracles . Yet despite the Red Sea crossing , the firey pillar, the manna and quail, the rock in the desert that spewed a river of water, the people built an idol at the foot of the mountain while God was writing the 10 commandments on Moses’ tablets of stone (9). The majority in the nation were rebellious unbelievers and because of their failure to believe Joshua and Caleb concerning the promised land, God made them wander in the desert for 40 years until all the adults who had left Egypt had died.
You can read the rest of the story for yourself as the pattern remains the same . In every generation through to the birth of the Messiah, God called only a remnant from the nation of Israel to believe the Gospel of the Messiah’s future saving work on a the Roman cross . These were the Spiritual Seed of Abraham and the remainder of the nation were left in their superstition, idolatry and unbelief.
(2) Genesis 21:13 (3) Genesis 21:12 (4) Romans 9: 11-13 (5) Galations 3:26 (6) Galations 3 24-29
(7) Exodus 12:13 (8)Isaiah 45:2 (9) Exodus 32:1
As to the land, when God promised Abraham the land of Palestine,(10) it was also a type of things to come . It’s true that following the Exodus from Egypt, Joshua more or less conquered the land. But Israel, because of disobedience, had only partial success through the time of the Judges and the Kings. Rebellion and unbelief eventually caused them to be judged for their idolatry and they  became a conquered people.
But back to the beginning, when Abraham received the land promise he knew that he was not looking for the ultimate fulfillment on earth (11) . Abraham knew that if Israel as a nation was to bring forth the Messiah, an earthly territory would indeed be necessary, but he also knew that the land was a type of a heavenly kingdom which he would one day see in glory.
God’s promises for  Jewish rights to the land of Palestine were also made Conditional. (12) If then the condition of obedience was broken what of the promise ? We know from the Biblical record in the prophets , that the majority of the people of Israel were disobedient, rebelled against God, burned their children in the fire to Moloch, worshipped many false Gods and forsook the Gospel. In fact, the prophets were ruthlessly killed because their message was damning to the majority conscience.(13) So God stopped sending prophets 400 years before the Messiah although  the Gospel remained by which a remnant in every generation were saved.
When Jesus did come, the scribes and Pharisees had so modified the Law of Moses and the Gospel, that a whole set of human traditions had been overlaid on top of the Sinai Law perverting its meaning. When you read the Sermon on the Mount, (14) look for all the corrections Jesus made to their errors. They hated him for it, for they had what they wanted ,- respect from men. As far as they were concerned, any and all excuses to reject Jesus’ authority, were valid.
The crucifixion without doubt is the pivotal point in history. The Old Testament and New Testament are on different sides of the crucifixion, yet they both proclaim that the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.... is the same. Both  Jews and Gentiles from Abraham to the last trumpet have been  and will be, called to be  members of the Bride of Christ - the Church.
When Jesus died the veil of the temple,through which the high priest priest passed once per year to offer sacrificial blood for atonement, was ripped supernaturally from the top to the bottom because it was no longer needed. With  Jesus sacrificial death, the Priesthood of the Believer had been established .
At the resurrection, the Hebrew nation and all the ceremonial law depicting Jesus’ sacrifice were also finished . The nation through sovereign Providence had fulfilled its role all the way from Abraham to the cross. In 70 AD the Roman General Titus
(10) Psalm 105: 6-11 (11) Hebrews 11: 8-10 (12) Deuteronomy 30: 15-20 (13) Hebrews 11: 36-40
destroyed the last vestiges of the nation and its religion by slaughtering the inhabitants of Jerusalem and destroying the temple completely .
The Lord predicted this would happen for with His ascension to his Heavenly throne and the sending of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, the “Israel of God” was now proclaimed a spiritual kingdom. There was no further need of earthly types. The earthly nation of Israel had fulfilled the purpose for which God had brought it into existence and it is now gone forever. The Bible needs no other support, but it is significant, that some important sects who are current followers of Judaism agree that God has not recalled Jews to the land to  re establish the nation of Israel.
At Pentecost, as Jesus promised, the followers of Christ were visited by the Holy Spirit and empowered . In one day 3000 souls from many nations and tongues were converted to begin spreading the Christian message out across the world .
The apostles, those that had been chosen by the Lord, and Paul who had been under the Lord’s instruction in the third heaven, are our best authority on just how to view these events. They interpret the Old Testament in many passages of the New Testament. The literal depictions of the Old Testament then, should never be imposed on the New Testament . The prophets knew and accepted the Gospel of the coming Messiah, but when they did prophesy the future, they saw only shadows and types. The New Testament apostles therefore interpret with authority the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies and their interpretation declares that the Lord now reigns in His Kingdom in heaven (15) and that the time that has elapsed since his ascension are the last days prophesied by the prophet Joel. (16) The final event we can anticipate is the Last Trumpet - His Second Coming, where ALL the dead of ALL ages will be raised to stand before him.(17)
So what of the Jews themselves ? Is God finished with them?
Following the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD, the Jews were dispersed throughout the nations . They clung to the memory of their Old Testament privilege and based on portions of Old Testament scripture called the Talmud, they founded the religion of Judaism . Over the centuries there have been many conversions to Judaism among non-Semite peoples . So who among the Jews today, are Abraham’s natural seed? I am sure there are many, but not one of them is able to trace his lineage with any certainty to the Jews of Jesus time. Therefore any self-proclaimed racial identity is a voluntary willingness to be associated with either the religion of Judaism, the present Jewish culture or the political movement Zionism.
Nevertheless, Paul the apostle in Romans 11 says that God still has plans for the descendants from Abraham’s natural seed. But do not make the mistake of equating the Jews with the former nation of Israel or any present counterfeit. Paul prophesies in the book of Romans that one day the Jews will recognize their Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ, and will turn "en masse" to Him in repentance and faith .(18)
(14) Matthew 5 (15) Acts 2: 29-35 (16) Acts 2:14-21 (17) 1 Thessalonians 4: 16-17 (18) Romans 11:26
He also says that this event will strengthen and encourage the true Church world wide,  and that this will all come to pass during this present Kingdom Age . (19)
This event does not define the day or the hour of the second Coming but the Holy Spirit through Paul does promise that God will save his people the Jews before Jesus returns.  The Jews as individual persons will be converted wherever they are on the earth,  and their conversion will graft them into the Church  -  the Bride of Christ .
The land of Palestine or the current nation of Israel is irrelevant to the fulfillment of this prophecy. None of the New Testament writers make any reference to a re-gathered Jewry in the land of Palestine. The apostles agree with Abraham that they look for a heavenly Kingdom which is far better than an earthly one.(20) Admittedly this is an argument from silence, but the New Testament writers were all Jews and they were under pressure from the Jews who were certain that the Gospel of Jesus Christ was bent on destroying their religion. Surely, under the circumstances, if national Israel was to be a factor in the future, the apostles would have mentioned it.
So how should this impact your view of the present tragedy in Palestine ?
Using the Nazi Holocaust for all its worth and more, the Zionist movement has persuaded much of the western world to hold their peace while they carry out “ethnic cleansing” on the Palestinians, wholesale expulsions from their historic lands, and acts of aggression against neigboring Arab nations -- all in the name of a resurgent nation of Israel.
If the historical perspective in this paper is correct, many Christians are in real danger of being complicit in quietly accepting the Zionist Program for reasons that are not Biblical. The Zionists are not Joshua cleansing the land under God’s specific instructions, nor are they regathered to the land  as a precondition of the Lord's  return.  …And finally, the Lord Jesus Christ has given us the Sermon on the Mount to guide us in our behavior and all Christians should therefore be compelled by conscience to advocate a peaceful compromise that foundationally, establishes true democracy and human rights for all ?
(19) Romans 11: 32-33 (20) Hebrews 11: 8-10

Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Difference between Facebook and Twitter

 Preface :
For the first time in History the truth in events and motives is no longer the preserve of the establishment media. The internet makes it possible for individuals to “both know the  truth" and to "make it known". For the Christian, the internet also gives a greatly expanded means of “bearing witness”. It is also a window along the road to Jericho. ( Luke 10:25-37)  The hurt and injured show up here in real time and the Lord will hold us accountable if we “Pass by on the other side”.

To make a broad generalization, Twitter looks out at the world and Facebook looks in. 

(1) Twitter allows you to Follow or Unfollow virtually anyone you wish without apology.
 Facebook dredges up all sorts of complicated connections between people, you may have known or were known to someone you know, but I would be embarrassed to even claim such as friends, let alone share my recipes or baby pictures with such a vague or tenuous connection.

(2) Twitter does not allow you to be careless in your preparation. Whatever you have to say has to be brief and to the point because many people who are following you are looking at what you say as the curtain drawn briefly on the “window of your soul.”
Facebook allows you to carry on time after time (ad nauseam) to people who know you and are making allowances for that person they know.

(3) Twitter allows you to put the ideas first instead of the relationship. If you are following someone, you have the option without apology to Retweet your agreement or to challenge their views knowing full well that many other Followers on both sides of a debate are benefiting from the exchange. Further there is no apology to Unfollowing a person with which you share nothing.
Because Facebook majors on friends and maintaining friendship, the subject matter is innocuous  and decreasingly so. Whatever you say has to be nice. Unintelligible is better than quarrelsome .

(4) On Twitter, the ease of Following allows one to witness an active person's world view in action … and what you witness as others respond to the human drama is a catalyst to developing your own “world view” . 
Facebook (in my experience) frowns on anyone raising the level of posts to that exalted height. Keeping the contributions bland is the unspoken code. 

(5) Twitter allows you to make new friends from people who share some or all of your "world view”. You are a different person now when compared to who you were 10 years ago, and your world view, if you're  a free thinker, will undergo gradual change. For the Christian believer, this assumes your foundation in the Lord is like a “Rock”  - unchanging. In fact changes in your world view are to be considered the Spirit’s progressive revelation.
Facebook - majors on levels of association that are based on your social and family history. If your world view is maturing, the friends you have had in the past, will not be your friends now. They may have you in a box or channel that cannot be disturbed. New truth is not necessarily their game and many will refuse to take instruction from one they have known personally, or one who has obviously been influenced by persons unknown to them. Therefore, if you are going to participate on Facebook you must forgo any issue of real significance.

(6) Twitter is liberating in that it addresses the whole world. No one’s views are so unique that you will not find kindred spirits. Those kindred spirits properly joined together become a movement  and movements can become positive revolutions in a world of evil events .
Facebook can never aspire to this level.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

This 9/11 Anniversary

On 11 September 2001, my wife and I watched the TV, as the second aircraft hit the South Tower of the World Trade Center. Like millions of others who were eye witnesses, we have always marked the anniversary, nay--- promoted the anniversary, in the simple hope that the victims will someday be avenged.

That day, some 4000 died. Now, there are hundreds of first Responders and NewYorkers, who are dying with respiratory diseases from the toxic asbestos laden dust that resulted from the explosive destruction of the two World Trade Center buildings. Worse still, millions have died in wars that are a direct response to the War on Terror for which 9/11 is the excuse .

September 11, The New Pearl Harbour, a 3 part film by Massimo Mazzucco, raises the bar for the "truth movement”. More and more factual and circumstantial evidence has come to light in support of the hypothesis that a very sophisticated crime involving 1000’s occurred, and the persons involved were not Arabs.

My expertise is military flying and on the strength of that knowledge, my same day conclusion was that this event could not occur in this airspace without the highest authority grounding the air force. In the years after, other expertise in other fields, most notably the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, have added knowledge which also makes the event impossible without the complicity or the  direct involvement of the highest levels of government. Having followed the expanding knowledge trail with great interest since the event, I find that Mazzucco brings together many other facts from  different quarters to reinforce the conviction that the insistence for a new enquiry should be pushed until it is achieved.

Here are some that standout :
(1) WTC buildings were built with asbestos insulation prior to restrictive legislation against its use. A series of upgrades would exceed the value of the buildings. Economically— they had to come  down. They were obsolete.
(2) Internal explosions prior to collapse has never been explained to me before. Explosive demolition requires major columns to be cut in advance of the sequenced take-down.
(3) The quantity and quality of the explosives and the temperatures generated by them were extreme, pulverizing and melting all types of materials so that very little could be identified.  
Q: Why? *   A: The explosives used (nano-thermite) and the temperatures reached, erased any possibility that the remains of the airline passengers, their luggage or the flight data recorder would be found intact. In fact, very few intact bodies were found; small body parts and bone fragments identified some; roughly 800 persons were vaporized. 
(4) Steel, still standing in the wreckage, had been neatly cut at angles commensurate with explosive demolition procedures.
(5) Maximum operating speeds (VMO) of the aircraft were exceeded by as much as 20% reducing exposure to the public on the ground. In addition all the pilots interviewed said that accurately hand flying an aircraft at those speeds would be impossible for them, let alone novice Arab pilots . - (another argument for Drones)
(6) Watch Larry Silverstein explain his absence.— no survivor remorse here. An astronomical insurance claim follows.
(7) Apparently it was common knowledge among first responders, that the WTC 7 building would also be destroyed. So much so, that the media picked it up, and a BBC reporter stated on air prior to the collapse that the event had already occurred. Not being a native of New York, and not  knowing the profile of the building, she can be excused that WTC7 is still standing in the background of the film footage. Q: Did the perpetrators count on the general level of shock to gloss over the fact that the building would fall 6 hours after the morning's events, without the impact of an airliner, and that the public would readily accept office fires as the explanation ?
....and finally....
(8) The passengers and the Cel Phone traffic from Flight 93, are technically impossible. At the end of what appears to be a scripted message to her husband's answering machine, CeeCee Lyles whispers- “ It’s a frame, It’s a frame.

….  many more details.

An added feature is the introduction of the leading Conspiracy Debunkers —from the USA, Italy and France as well as NIST.  Their explanations are included followed by the rebuttal.  

Watching this is to gaze straight into the face of evil.

However-  judge not ! 
A new impartial enquiry is required to reach the truth. Surely the ever deepening fog of doubt surrounding this event justifies it.

* Note the many clips of explosive demolition in which the columns are cut and the concrete and steel falls in pieces that are easy to load and transport. 

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Refugees and Chaplains

In a recent Counterpunch article by Andre Vltchek entitled the "Refugees are Coming", he identifies the One Percenters of the world as the neo-colonialists who have, through their greedy imperialist policies, claimed the whole world as their oyster at the expense of its inhabitants. For those of us who yet live in the world's few remaining peaceful enclaves, we are now freshly informed that the carnage and bloodshed caused by the West in Ukraine, Syria, Afghanistan, Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen and the Congo, is producing a "world of people" on the move to what they hope will be places of refuge. Andre also describes the hatred and the selfishness of the people in the historic "Colonizer Nations" who resent the onslaught of destitute humanity to their shores. The   vehemently claim that they have no responsibility to care for them, when in many cases their plight is directly attributable to their country's arrogant foreign policy.

Where Andre and I part company is his conclusion, conspicuously placed in a paragraph of its own, attributing the declared religion of the perpetrators to be the philosophical basis on which they do their deeds. He says,  "In the West, in the Christian West, in fundamentalist West, such arrangement is obviously tolerable",  inferring that Christianity is somehow responsible.

Nothing could be further from the truth.
One need go no further than Matthew Chapters 5 and 6 to conclude that the behavior, he attributes to  christianity is not Christian despite its institutional status or its attempts at justification.  For want of another term, and perhaps I am inventing one, such behavior should be called "Pharisee-ism.".  Jesus told the story of the two men praying in the temple, the one a Pharisee and the other a Publican. The Pharisee in pride proclaimed to God his gratefulness for not being like other men, praying often, giving to the poor, professing his loyalty, while the Publican with his head down and beating his breast said, "God  be merciful to me a Sinner."Jesus declared that only the the Publican was justified.

In our contemporary world then, who..... in this illustration would you identify as the follower of Christ? and who would be the Pharisee ? With no hesitation, the institutional christianity of the west is the Pharisee, so why persist in  measuring Christianity by its false professors rather than a measurement using the words spoken by the very author of "the Way" Himself? 

In another well timed article illustrating the depth of this hypocrisy, "Onward Christian  Military Chaplains- Marching as to War", Rev. William Alberts correctly identifies the false doctrines and justification of military chaplains who, for the sake of their career, aid and abet the atrocities of the West, by comforting the troops that commit them. There is no measurement problem here, if we again measure the christianity they profess with Jesus' teaching in The Sermon on the Mount.
"By their fruits shall ye know them"  Matthew 7:16  It's a very simple test and no matter what post you hold in worldly christianity, be it Pope or Deaconess. How you respond publicly to this human tragedy is vital evidence of your conversion ( or no) to "the Way"---  and every one who claims to profess, can take the test.

If Vltchek errs in his wrongly tagging Christianity, Alberts does not go far enough in identifying complicity among professors of Christianity. Because of the alternate media and the internet, we live in an informed world, much different to previous generations. Before the internet, the establishment media had its way with us, and I suppose religious leaders could rightly claim that they did not have enough conclusive evidence nor was any offered by the establishment media. In that far off time, very few knew of the evil policies that are now justified by the west.  But now, there is no excuse. No religious leader, or for that matter, no sincere Christian, can claim ignorance and remain silent.

That said, I would not claim to judge, but by remaining silent, such persons have no cause for confidence in professing that they follow Christ. Their information world is now bigger than their society, their culture, their church, career, and the petty ignorance of uninformed peers. If they would have assurance of who they are before God, they must stand with the oppressed and teach others to do so.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Banners .... to raise

We live in a society where everyday, we have to resist unsolicited advertising, and yet we admire the giant daylight signs and the clever advertisements for they are a soft form of entertainment. So there is a dichotomy there, one half of us assenting and the other resisting advertising. I conclude that we have little choice for we have to travel and read and communicate and along the way, those with something to sell or promote have set up their signs. It comes with the territory-- the age of consumerism.

So what about what we believe?  If the world will sell us consumer goods, can we sell them just causes ? All of us are passionate about some things in life, and by that I mean that we would like to infect others with our passion. The world is full of evil, and along the way some, would like to make a difference -- to correct something.
I.E. Some of the causes, I embrace adorn this post .

What prevents us ?

Money. Advertising in any form, even a lowly bumper sticker costs  money. E-mail Banners cost nothing and like Google ads or signature blocks they can be attached to every message.

Insecurity.  Privately, we all embrace causes, but we suffer with a natural reticence to say "this is right, and this is wrong". True ?  However, in our  generation, we can now be the researchers. The shyness can go. The alternate media provides ample opportunity to do independent research. Additionally, there are brilliant minds out there who have a passion for the truth and have embraced the internet as their means of making a difference. We have access to all of them, the sincere, as well as the schills and apologists.

Peer Pressure. What can I say other than time and circumstance wait for no man. If we do not seize the opportunity to speak to others, the moment passes and is gone forever. Will concern, reinforced by a new confidence to confirm the truth, overcome peer pressure?

Your Career Channel.  If you are caught up in an enterprise or employment or profession that profits from an injustice, you may just have to choose. Maybe the thought of choosing will never arise as you have been successfully programmed by your training to deal with all the moral issues that result from your vocation or work.  I say..... beware.

 and lastly ..

Selfishness.  There's no  antidote for it  except a change of heart.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Nuclear weapons will never be used!

A great deal has been written about the prospects of man's ultimate survival on the 70th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The history of civilization has produced mastery of the physical elements in our world so that almost anything that can be conceived, can be built. Warfare  has always been a catalyst for the development of technology that would enable one side to have an  advantage over the other. Never has a war technology been developed, and never used. From such a track record comes an abject fear, that it is only a matter of time until some nation will use a nuclear  device supposedly to their advantage, and the reprisals that follow, will engulf us all.

There is one small glimmer of hope in this human prediction and that is the fact that it is "a given" that the effects of even a successful preemptive nuclear strike, will also bring a slow destruction on the aggressor too. That scenario has never been played out before. The distances between the trench lines in WWI were not great. An undisturbed pastoral scene was the reality a short distance behind the lines on either side. In WWII, the devastation pattern widened to include whole cities of noncombatants, but still remained reasonably localized. With the dropping of the atom bomb on Hiroshima all that changed.

Nuclear radiation blasted high into the atmosphere, travels on wind currents to lay a pattern of  destruction and disease many thousands of miles from the actual blast. It became very evident, very  quickly, that given enough bombs or warheads delivered preemptively to annihilate an enemy, the  aggressor would also die -- only slower. In fact the whole world could die if the pattern of man's ambition to win at all costs was to be repeated as it has been many times in the past. With such  knowledge, dare man unleash the "god of war?"

So why was the bomb used 70 years ago?  This week I have been reading numerous quotes from the  WWII era that deny that the bomb ever had to be used to bring about the Japanese surrender. Admiral Nimitz, General MacArthur, Admiral Leahy, General Bonner Feller, all said at the time, that Japan  was economically and militarily isolated and that before 1945 ended, Japan would surrender even  without an invasion. In addition, the Russians had already received overtures from the Japanese that they wished to surrender to them rather than the Americans.

The military leaders, I have already quoted were expressing an opinion to counter the view that had been generated by the bloody fighting on Iwo Jima and Okinawa. The acceptable theory was that the use of the bomb was justified to prevent the deaths of thousands of Americans if Japan itself had to be invaded .

In 1989, historian Gar Alperovitz reported, “American leaders knew well in advance that the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was not required to bring about Japan’s surrender;” and later, in his 847-page The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb (Random House, 1995), “I think it can be proven that the bomb was not only unnecessary but known in advance not to be necessary.” The popular myth “didn’t just happen,” Alperovitz says, “it was created.

When the 70 scientists that were part of the Manhattan project saw the effects of a test bomb on 15 July 1945, they sent a letter to President Truman pleading that he never use it. Truman never received the letter.  From the evidence we have, it is apparent that deep in their souls, they were compelled to admit, that although they were responsible for the first nuclear bomb success, they could see that mankind would now have a weapon that could ultimately destroy everyone. The after effects of a thermo-nuclear war would end life on earth as we know it . Successful though they were in pursuing this invention, they wished no precedent for its use to be a part of their legacy to mankind.

Both Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not military targets . We can only speculate then that Truman's  goal was to send a message to the world -- that America was #1 in the arms race and that Russian intransigence and arrogance that they had just experienced at Potsdam, would not be tolerated. So President Truman made the decision to use the bomb not for military reasons--- but for political.

The bomb was therefore used as a terror weapon against the civilian population of Japan in order to compel immediate surrender to the Americans and to declare to the world that America was the sole nuclear power. In Nuremburg, that same week, the protocols for war crimes were being drafted in order to condemn the Nazi regime. Ironically the protocols included the terror bombing of civilian cities as a war crime. Obviously, the term "war crime " would apply only to the losers.

All the proceeding is my introduction to this Blog entry. What I really am here to say is, that it is my conviction that (miracle of miracles ) Thermo-Nuclear war will never happen. First, the nuclear club is very small and the entry fee is very expensive. Second, the potential devastation is much higher now than it was at the beginning of the nuclear age because of the increased size and effectiveness of the weapons. Cruise missles can deliver nuclear weapons many times larger than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima ..... and everyone knows it. The Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) doctrine therefore, is not dead. Three, there is evidence to suppose that the *2D sanctions, politics and war rhetoric we hear in the news, are belied by published economic and cooperative ties, which indicate that a **3D relationship exists among the Elite of both sides. ....... and Fourth, and most important, the God of the universe has throughout history, systematically revealed knowledge progressively to man, and just because he has allowed him to open the ultimate "Pandora's Box",  He will restrain man and prevent him from destroying the world that He has promised to judge at the last day? To permit the unthinkable would be deny Him glory.  Only a fool can believe that the infinitely complex and precise material universe has no Creator, and that man is at liberty to destroy it.

Psalm 2 : vs 1  and 4 says  " Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing ?....He that  sitteth in the heavens shall  laugh; The Lord shall have them in derision." 

 *2D  refers to events that are published and/or visible to the world . Actions that are analyzed supposedly to reveal motives.
**3D  refers to plans and  relationships which are kept concealed because knowledge of them would  betray plans  that powerful people would want to  remain secret,  especially from their national populations .

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Supere el dispensacionalismo !

Prácticamente todos los que profesan el cristianismo han escuchado a pastores y maestros que han declarado ciertos temas de la Biblia como doctrinas esenciales, fundamentales para nuestra salvación. El nacimiento virginal, el Espíritu Santo, la deidad de Cristo y la naturaleza de la expiación están entre ellos. Por otra parte, esos pastores y maestros se apresuran a añadir que "buenos hombres" de todas partes, que sostienen las creencias esenciales, pueden diferir en las creencias secundarias y, debido a que su salvación está asegurada, disfrutan de compañerismo en un espíritu de tolerancia. Considero que esta generalización depende del asunto porque, tal como lo ilustraré, algunas creencias secundarias generan resultados trágicos. La historia de la cristiandad ofrece amplias ilustraciones. Asuntos secundarios tales como el bautismo, el clero, la naturaleza del culto, ancianos y diáconos y la autoridad de la iglesia han producido una continua historia de división, persecución y guerra entre personas y naciones, contradiciendo la unidad por la que el Señor Jesús oró en San Juan capítulo 17.

Algo anda mal, entonces, en la realización de este ideal. Ciertamente, hay una necesidad de ejercer tolerancia cuando surgen diferentes opiniones entre los cristianos sobre doctrinas secundarias. De hecho de todas las personas que existen los cristianos deben ser ejemplares en su aceptación de otros cristianos que sostienen opiniones diferentes que no contradigan la deidad y la persona del Señor Jesucristo. De hecho, en las cartas del apóstol Juan se dice a la iglesia que debe estar en guardia solo contra el espíritu del anticristo, de donde se infiere que no debemos preocuparnos de que nuestra experiencia y nuestro proceso de pensamiento sean idénticos respecto a todos los temas.

Históricamente, las advertencias relativas al espíritu del anticristo son comprensibles.  Los cristianos de esa época serían la primera generación en declarar la venida del Señor Jesús como el Mesías, hechos que las religiones paganas y el judaísmo sin duda intentarían socavar. Los apóstoles, por lo tanto, fueron constantes en sus advertencias de estar alertas a los falsos maestros que se infiltrarían en las iglesias jóvenes con el fin de enseñar el  error.

¿Pero qué pasa si la tolerancia de una doctrina secundaria subyace y apoya el caos, la muerte y la destrucción en nuestro mundo moderno? Históricamente, consideramos que la Inquisición española fue dirigida por paganos, que mencionaban el nombre de Cristo pero eran intolerantes al punto de ejecutar a los que no aceptaban todo lo que era enseñado por la iglesia romana. En el mejor de los casos los líderes eran cristianos equivocados, y en el peor eran instrumentos del diablo que desacreditaban la fe cristiana. Fueron demasiado lejos.

¿Deberíamos entonces abstenernos de tomar cualquier posición? Para responder a la pregunta con otra pregunta, ¿no erramos igualmente si toleramos la promulgación y enseñanza de creencias secundarias, cuando esa tolerancia trae como resultado la muerte y destrucción de naciones y pueblos seleccionados por globalistas con un plan imperialista? Me refiero al dispensacionalismo que, según se estima, es aceptado por 50 millones de cristianos en todo el mundo. Este sistema de creencias respecto a las profecías es relativamente reciente ya que surgió de las enseñanzas de Irving y Darby en la década de 1830. Para principios del siglo XX esa doctrina había sido consagrada en las notas de la Biblia de Referencia Scofield que todavía se usa hoy.

Casi diabólicamente, la publicación coincidió con el surgimiento del Sionismo, que en la práctica pregona la "excepcionalidad" del pueblo judío respecto a todos los demás pueblos. El sionismo, de hecho, ha florecido con el apoyo tácito de todos aquellos que se adhieren a las creencias dispensacionalistas. Afirmo que no hay absolutamente ninguna base bíblica o histórica para la firme creencia de estas personas.

Pocos dirán esto en nuestros días, porque los principios del dispensacionalismo, el regreso de los judíos a Palestina, el arrebatamiento secreto de la iglesia y el regreso de Cristo para gobernar por mil años son atractivos para los cristianos que no quieren creer que sufrirán cualquier persecución significativa en los "últimos tiempos". Por lo tanto, sobre todo entre los nuevos cristianos, la doctrina es adoptada fácilmente.

Además, las enseñanzas sionistas concernientes al Holocausto de la Segunda Guerra Mundial se encuentran tan generalizadas en las sociedades occidentales que en su mayoría las personas concuerdan fácilmente que los judíos deben recibir algún tipo de compensación por su sufrimiento. Por lo tanto, 50 millones de dispensacionalistas están de acuerdo en que está bien robar tierras a los árabes, porque eso apoya su creencia de que los judíos serán reunidos nuevamente con la tierra antes del regreso del Señor. Por lo tanto, se unen a los sionistas en la creencia de que los palestinos son prescindibles si se oponen a verse obligados a dejar su tierra.

Inicialmente, la explotación del Holocausto y la farsa de los Juicios de Nuremberg sentaron las bases para que las Naciones Unidas dieran a los judíos tierras árabes en 1948. Los palestinos recuerdan el 15 de mayo de 1948 como la "Nakba" (catástrofe) cuando muchos palestinos fueron masacrados; su población fue expulsada de 400 pueblos y desde entonces se les ha impuesto una indecible degradación, sufrimiento y muerte. Los cristianos dispensacionalistas han estado entre los que han dado su asentimiento, porque creen en el estatus eterno de una nación judía, un factor que infunde temor a expresar cualquier oposición a las políticas del apartheid sionista. ¿Ha oído usted el gastado cliché de "El que toca a los judíos toca la niña de los ojos de Dios"? Los dispensacionalistas lo creen.

Entonces, ¿cuál es la posición histórica mantenida por los cristianos durante 18 siglos? Sin duda deberíamos estar dispuestos a considerarla. Recuerde que el 90% del mundo cristiano da pruebas de haber aceptado ciegamente un lado sin examinar el otro. La aceptación inequívoca del dispensacionalismo embota nuestra sensibilidad a los sufrimientos de los palestinos y muchos otros en el mundo árabe. Sin duda, si al examinar ambas posiciones surge una duda razonable acerca de la exactitud del dispensacionalismo, sería mejor oponerse a las políticas de Israel incluso por razones humanitarias, en lugar de dejar que la complicidad silenciosa permita a Israel cometer crímenes sin oposición alguna.

Para empezar veamos juntos un capítulo clave donde los dispensacionalistas dicen que tienen apoyo bíblico. Abra su Biblia en Daniel 9: 24 -27.

Versículo 24:  Al interpretar este pasaje generalmente se acepta el principio de que las "semanas" son semanas de años. Por tanto, 70 semanas son 490 años. Tenga en cuenta que el Espíritu Santo reveló esto muchos años antes a Daniel, que era un cautivo judío de estirpe noble en Babilonia. Por tanto, es razonable suponer que las "setenta semanas determinadas sobre tu pueblo y tu santa ciudad" se refiere a los judíos y a la ciudad de Jerusalén. Hay seis eventos mencionados en este versículo.

(1) "para terminar la prevaricación" se interpreta como una transgresión cometida por toda la nación de Israel; llamémosla rebelión contra Dios, de la que hay amplia evidencia.
(2) "Poner fin al pecado" significa que el pecado ya no será un juicio universal contra toda la humanidad. Los efectos de la "caída" de Adán en el Jardín del Edén serán revertidos.
(3) "Expiar la iniquidad" esto tal vez esté mejor dicho con "intercambiar iniquidad por reconciliación", lo que significa que la comunión entre Dios y el hombre será restaurada.
(4) "Traer la justicia perdurable" significa que el hombre puede prever vivir para siempre en la santa presencia de Dios.
(5) "Sellar la visión y la profecía" significa que la profecía y las declaraciones proféticas que predijeron estos eventos cesarán porque los acontecimientos se han cumplido en la tierra.
(6) "y ungir al Santo de los santos" significa revelar el Mesías, lo que se cumplió en el bautismo de Jesús, su transfiguración en el monte y en los acontecimientos de su ministerio, crucifixión y resurrección.

Versículo 25: en general se ocupa simbólicamente del tiempo transcurrido para que estas cosas sucedieran. "Sabe, pues, y entiende, que desde la salida..." El emperador Ciro de Persia dio la orden para reconstruir el templo de Jerusalén.  Por la forma en que está redactado, ocurrirán dos eventos. Desde el mandato de Ciro hasta que se reconstruya el templo transcurrirán siete semanas o, simbólicamente, 49 años y otras 62 semanas o, simbólicamente, 434 años hasta que el Mesías muera. El resto del versículo se refiere al hecho de que la ciudad será reconstruida con calles y murallas durante las primeras siete semanas.

(a) Observe que hay que combinar los versículos 26 y 27 para obtener la secuencia correcta ya que los eventos, tal como están escritos, parecen cruzarse. Esto no invalida la profecía porque como lo dijo el teólogo alemán E.W. Hengstenberg en el siglo XIX, la profecía es una sombra, imperfectamente vista, cuya cumplimiento está por venir y por lo tanto puede y debe ser considerada como "seguridad oculta".

(b) A pesar de que los años presentados desde "la salida de la orden" y la "muerte del Señor Jesús" están razonablemente cercanos, no hay problema si usted asume la visión de Hengstenberg de que la profecía es la esfera de Dios y que Él decide ocultar en simbolismos lo que es definitivo en su plan para el tiempo y la eternidad. Es una presunción arrogante imponer un recuento literal de años en las Escrituras y, al hacerlo, abandonar el sentido del pasaje a cambio de otra cosa porque no se ajusta a un esquema matemático.

Versículo 26: "Y después de las sesenta y dos semanas", que fue el segundo período entre el fin de la reconstrucción del templo y el Mesías, "se quitará la vida al Mesías". Además dice "mas no por sí", no porque el Mesías merecía morir, sino porque un amor más grande le convenció de morir por los demás.

Versículo 27: " Y por otra semana confirmará el pacto con muchos". Jesús confirmará el pacto o promesa que hizo a Abraham, que su simiente espiritual (los nacidos del Espíritu) sería como la arena del mar. Jesús confirmó este pacto durante la semana 70, enviando el don del Espíritu Santo (Pentecostés, Hechos 2), durante el tiempo entre su ascensión y la destrucción del Templo en el año 70 DC.

“y el pueblo de un príncipe que ha de venir..." se refiere al general romano Tito, que destruyó la ciudad de Jerusalén, derribó todas las piedras del templo y masacró a 1,5 millones de personas.

“a la mitad de la semana [Jesús] hará cesar el sacrificio y la ofrenda ".

La interpretación cristiana histórica considera este pasaje como un período dividido justificadamente en tres secciones de semanas. (1) La reconstrucción del Templo, (2) el período intermedio que incluye el nacimiento, ministerio y muerte del Señor Jesús y (3) el tiempo entre su ascensión y su intervención en juicio sobre los judíos en el año 70 DC. No se puede permitir que el literalismo desacredite esta historia. Se trata de la obra y el ministerio del Señor Jesucristo en el sentido de venir, ministrar, morir y luego juzgar a los judíos por su rechazo final. Este es entonces el "fin del siglo" tan a menudo mencionado en las Escrituras. Para el pueblo judío que vivía en ese momento el fin del siglo fue comparable a la bomba atómica de Hiroshima, solo que peor. Los judíos había nutrido su "excepcionalismo" durante 2.000 años empezando con Abraham y ahora este tocaba a su fin. La destrucción de su ciudad, su Templo y el sistema de sacrificios sería verdaderamente catastrófica.

En conclusión, no hay lugar en este marco cronológico continuo para cualquier posible argumento de insertar una futura "brecha" de más de 2.000 años que los dispensacionalistas creen que está entre la semana 69 y la semana 70. Este pasaje es acerca del Señor Jesús y su obra consumada incluyendo hasta el año 70 D.C. Cualquier idea posterior de que Israel deba estar en la tierra o que el Templo deba ser reconstruido y que deba reiniciarse sistema sacrificial es una blasfemia contra Su obra sacrificial consumada. Los becerros y los machos cabríos nunca pudieron quitar el pecado, así que cuando el Cordero de Dios se convirtió en el sacrificio aceptable fue apropiado que él mismo levantara a Tito para destruir el Templo y poner fin al sistema de sacrificios.

Esta visión de Daniel 9 no es contradicha por ninguno de los escritores del Nuevo Testamento y si esta interpretación es correcta, ¿no están los cristianos pisando un terreno peligroso por sostener una doctrina que deriva su apoyo más de los acontecimientos temporales y de la propaganda perniciosa que de una verdadera exposición de las Escrituras?

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Madera, Heno y Hojarasca

 “Dios Todopoderoso ha puesto delante de mí dos grandes causas: la represión de la trata de esclavos y la reforma de las costumbres”. William Wilberforce, 1807.
 “Sin duda, los principios y la práctica del cristianismo son simples y conducen no solo a la meditación, sino a la acción". William Pitt a William Wilberforce, 2 de diciembre de 1786.
El eminente teólogo y pastor británico Martyn Lloyd Jones nos ha dejado un sermón sobre el reconocimiento de Dios de las obras terrenales que requiere un examen serio. Desde luego, él se está dirigiendo a un cristiano, una persona que ha sido movida por el Espíritu de Dios para ver y entender su propia culpa, de donde proviene un temor piadoso y el arrepentimiento por el pecado. La obra de regeneración es enteramente de gracia, iniciada contra nuestras inclinaciones naturales por el Espíritu de Dios. Es por eso que la salvación no es por mérito nuestro, porque no tenemos parte en iniciar un hambre y una sed de estar bien con Dios.
Si usted es creyente se alegrará por ese acontecimiento en su vida y al mismo tiempo puede estar levantando una ceja y preguntándose qué más se podría decir sobre las obras terrenales.
Las Escrituras enseñan claramente que los creyentes se lanzan a una jornada de santificación que estimula el desarrollo del fruto del Espíritu: amor, gozo, paz, paciencia, mansedumbre y amabilidad. El mundo no tiene conflicto con estas cosas. Esas personas son pacíficas en la sociedad, tratando de derrotar el pecado personal, disfrutando del compañerismo con los demás, sirviendo en su iglesia local como maestros de escuela dominical, miembros del coro, líderes juveniles y más. Incluso fuera de la iglesia dan testimonio de su fe. Cada vez que se les presenta una oportunidad para exaltar los méritos del sacrificio de Cristo lo hacen, confiando en que el Espíritu, a través de su testimonio, hará una obra de gracia en los demás.
Hasta ahora, al menos en Canadá, nadie podría quejarse, a menos, desde luego, que usted resulte ser estudiante de Trinity Western University, donde estimulan a los estudiantes a suscribirse voluntariamente a un código bíblico de ética. Sin embargo, a nivel individual, el comportamiento de las personas cristianas es inocuo, tal como lo mandan todos los códigos occidentales de comportamiento educado.
Por el contrario, es cierto que en muchas áreas del mundo que están dominadas por religiones tales como el Islam los que se convierten al cristianismo no tienen las mismas libertades. Solo reunirse para celebrar un servicio religioso puede ser un delito castigado con la muerte. Las libertades para testificar a una sociedad hostil al evangelio de Jesucristo son limitadas y mantener uno sus principios y su integridad en una situación así se convierte en la cruz en la que pueden ser llamados a dar sus vidas. El martirio ha sucedido, literalmente, miles de veces en nuestra generación.
Entonces, ¿qué más se puede exigir de los cristianos occidentales? Gracias al cristianismo, Occidente ha sido la cuna de la libertad individual. De hecho se ha convertido en una característica del carácter cristiano pensar y actuar en forma preventiva para mejorar las cosas o para corregir los males que se han colado. Esta libertad de aplicar la doctrina y hacer el bien ha sido la base de muchas buenas obras. Los hospitales, los orfanatorios los, sindicatos, las escuelas, las cooperativas y los seguros son solo algunas. Todas estas son creaciones positivas que han beneficiado a la sociedad.
Ahora bien, en nuestros días, (ver post anterior, Recuperar lo profético) los gobiernos socialistas de Occidente han reprogramado toda la beneficencia en la sociedad, para su propio crédito, gravando al pueblo e inundándolo de reglamentos que determinan lo que se puede y no se puede hacer como sociedad benéfica. Eso deja solo el lado negativo (lo que anda mal en la sociedad) a menudo prohibido por la ley y, por lo tanto, evitado por los cristianos de la actualidad.
Jesús dijo que debíamos tomar nuestra cruz y seguirlo. ¿Tenía él en mente el cómodo asiento del cristianismo políticamente correcto o estaba hablando un instrumento de tortura que él mismo pronto soportaría para pagar por el pecado? La respuesta a esa pregunta es obvia.
En nuestra jornada encontraremos causas que metafóricamente son cruces al lado de nuestro camino. A menudo es conveniente ignorarlas, porque en muchos casos son males engendrados o tolerados por la sociedad pagana que nos rodea y respecto a los cuales no se permite que la iglesia haga comentarios. Eso nos deja solo como individuos y luchamos cuando todos a nuestro alrededor se ajustan al entorno. La sociedad que nos rodea controla lo que vemos y oímos, así que casi no sorprende que dicte a través de sus instrumentos de comunicación lo que hemos de creer respecto al aborto, los palestinos, la política exterior, el matrimonio, los derechos humanos y las libertades individuales, para nombrar solo algunas cosas.
Si usted es cristiano espere que las cruces que debe cargar sean crueles. Pueden ser de todo tipo: críticas, ataques personales, pérdida de reputación, de trabajo, amigos, cualquier forma en que la sociedad pueda alcanzarlo. Pero la alternativa es peor. Si usted fija su mirada solo en el camino que tiene por delante y se niega a considerar las incómodas verdades que encuentra, lo más probable es que su vida sea una inversión en madera, heno y hojarasca que se quemarán ante su ojos.

La cruz en la época romana era un instrumento de tortura. ¿Por qué deberíamos esperar menos en nuestros
días por vivir en una época más civilizada? Sostengo que solo parece civilizada
porque en nombre de la paz y de la buena voluntad naturalmente nos abstenemos de
temas que si se abordaran públicamente podrían causarnos daño. Como dice Isaac
Watts, el escritor del himno: “Lucharon otros por la fe; ¿cobarde yo he de ser?
Por mi Señor pelearé, confiando en su poder”.  ¿Estamos entonces renuentes a oponernos a los
males de nuestro tiempo? 
Martyn Lloyd Jones lo explica muy claramente. Lo que reconozcamos como nuestro llamado se evaluará con una norma eterna que implica nuestra disposición a llevar la cruz en esta vida. Dicho esto, no ofrezco ningún veredicto sobre ninguna actividad. Usted debe asumir el riesgo de ser aprobado o desaprobado en el tribunal eterno. Las únicas directrices que puedo ofrecer es que el mundo no aprobará ninguna causa que usted adopte si perturba los males del "statu quo". La desaprobación y el desprecio por una causa justa son el resultado más probable, y paradójicamente, la mejor prueba de nuestras escogencias.