Monday, October 21, 2013

If I Blog- Will anybody listen?

 In the film  "Shall we Dance " actress Susan Sarandon says that a faithful marriage is good because our lives need a witness. However, the coming of the internet and social media has made it possible for an individual to make the whole world potential witnesses. What's the rationale then to Blog, or.....without reservation or anonymity, comment on a Blog article?

Here's a list of Pros and Cons to help us decide.
Pros-                                                 Cons-
You write well ....                            But you fear you have nothing significant to say;
You want to share your feelings .... Everyone has them - yours are now public;
Your friends want to  know....         You may have fewer if you get involved;
You are selling something....           Buyers will tell the world about you- good and bad;
Record for Conscience sake-      On some issues, admirable if you do,
                                                                      and Complicit if you don't.        

If you're pragmatic, you will be uncomfortable, with all this and want to curl up with your privacy and let the trend blow by. At first glance, I would agree, but perhaps we're missing an  opportunity if we do. Arguably, the majority of the pros are an exercise of our vanity, which is irrelevant, ....and that's OK.

But should  we miss the first chance in history to exercise conscience on a truly grand scale, and to be on record for what we think is right and true ?
2500 years ago a prophet name Ezekiel was tagged the "Watchman on the wall".  (Ezekiel 33)  In our age, if truth is a casualty, who will regret most when it's time to give an account ?