Monday, November 11, 2013

Bitcoin -- A Power Transfer ?

In the face of unrestrained money creation, most every one agrees that Gold and Silver are a currency lifebelt, yet the countries that are driving our financial system down by inflating the currency, are also suppressing the price of gold . The more money they print, the higher the gold price should be, but the opposite  is true. It  either stays the same or it declines in  real terms. It is reasonable therefore to assume that when the  scheduled implosion of fiat currencies does take place, the control and pricing of  the physical metal will certainly be controlled by the banking powers. It seems to  be the nature of things. With their police and military power, they  control the physical  things.

Enter Bitcoin  2009.
When  you view all three You Tube presentations ,  you will  have touched on all the  high points. 
Sophie , the  RT interviewer is  initially skeptical,  but  you can see that the  Developer Amir has the practical  answers as well as a passionate freedom motive. Max Keiser and Stacey Herbert have thoughts  you should know on the future of Bitcoin in the financial markets. The Le Web Panel is a little more  low key although Roger Ver is passionate  about Bitcoin being the means of bypassing the fiat currency situation and the agenda of the banks and the NWO.  It's fairly obvious given any measure of their performance, that the Federal Reserve and  their associates  want us to continue watching them use quantitative easing and other flawed financial instruments to destroy our purchasing power as well as our means of generating wealth. The philosophy behind Bitcoin is, in reality the means of  getting off that sinking ship via an open source, self regulating computer based  currency .

Bitcoin today is  $325     A year ago  a Bitcoin was $25 
What does that tell you ?  It's  rapidly catching on.

The interesting thing to me in all of this is that we have excellent researchers in the alternate  media like James Corbett and  others who  are eloquently defining the terms under which we are progressively being controlled.  However, they have no specific answers on how to turn this around other than raising awareness.  The answer in broad terms is right under our noses for the cost in using fiat MONEY, is many of our common law freedoms. The establishment creates money "out of nothing" with their banks and financial institutions in every mall, and we pay for it through inflation and taxes. For much less cost then, it appears that given time, we, the people could have a versatile currency on the Internet that eliminates the evils of the banking cartel, and that provides for a fair and just means of exchange.

Think about  it -- as Bitcoin  spreads  wider and  wider, we would be gradually replacing the present "fiat" system with a low cost money system that does not allow for centralized control, we take away the power the cartel has to put puppet regimes in place that create the institutions and powers that control us. This transfer of power can be non violent. It need not be another Lexington where guns faced guns.  It is really the transfer of power brought about  "by leaving the room ". As more and more people and businesses leave fiat currency and its control, the taxing power of big government declines, the banks have less and less customers,  and before too long, there is no one left to plunder.
Idealistic you say -  It's  true !  But how many choices do we have ?  If we stay under the cartel's money system--  they will yo-yo  the system until we are so poor that we have no choice but to accept a One World currency under the cartel's control.

Could an evolving Bitcoin become the rallying point for a transfer of power?

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